I have interacted and known of wealthy people and the not wealthy. I have found out that the wealthy think differently from the not wealthy.
The cause of poverty is poverty consciousness, poverty consciousness causes the person to see, hear, smell and think lack and limitation.
The wealthy person has a prosperity and abundance consciousness and they understand that there is an infinite source of supply, they are cutely aware of the fact that if they are experiencing a problem of the harvest, if there is not sufficient or more than enough harvest to meet all of their needs, they are the cause of the problem, perhaps they have not properly prepared the land.
They loathe lack and limitation, they command abundance and good life which is their birthright and if they get any less, they take full and complete responsibility for their position. Blaming is not part of their life. They will not talk about lack because their prosperity consciousness will not permit it. They know that talking about lack is sowing seeds of more of the same.
Being broke is a temporary situation, being poor is a mental condition.
Wealthy people are aware that money is a medium of exchange and they treat it as such. They keep money in its proper place, they remain the master and money the servant.
Money is a reward you receive for the service you render and the more valuable the service, the greater the reward.
Attempting to get money without rendering a service is a violation of the law of sowing and reaping – trying to reap the harvest without sowing the seeds. There is a season for sowing and there is a season for reaping, but you never do both at the same season and the wealthy are very a ware of that fact.
What I have discovered by my interaction with the wealthy and the poor is that, both wealth and poverty are in the consciousness, what you think matters more than what you do. Choose your thoughts very, very carefully.
“As a man thinks, so is he” Jesus Christ.
Thanks for your kind attention. If you have any question or comments regarding what I have written here, please do not hesitate to contact me at TD&A Accountancy & Financial Services or email sterling@tdanda.co.uk
Till next time, take good care of yourself.